Child custody battles can be emotionally and financially draining. If one parent makes less than the other or doesn’t have any income, the lower-earning parent may assume that custody will be awarded to the other parent. However, there are other factors the court considers when it comes to parenting time. Here are some important details to know if you’re a Michigan resident.
Child custody and income
Once a child custody case goes to court, the income of the parents is not the only factor that the court takes into account to determine parenting time. The judge will consider the best interest of the children when deciding which parent will receive custody. In some instances, both parents will receive equal custody rights.
The courts consider whether either parent abuses drugs or alcohol, the physical health of the parents and the mental stability of the parents. The court also considers the child’s preference.
Income and child support
In terms of child custody or parenting time, the courts will consider which parent should receive custody based on which parent is primarily responsible for taking care of the child. The other parent will likely have to pay child support, and the courts will determine how much child support the custodial parent will receive.
The Income Shares Model is sometimes used to determine child support. This model suggests that children should receive the same amount of income from the non-custodial parent as they would from the custodial parent. If the court uses the percentage of income the non-custodial parent makes to determine the amount of child support. The Melson formula is similar to the income shares model but ensures that the basic needs of the children and both parents are being met.