Retirement accounts are often one of the largest assets in a marriage, and their division can become a contentious issue during divorce proceedings. Michigan considers various factors when dividing assets, including retirement funds, even when both spouses are...
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The Experience To Protect Your Rights
Marital Property Division
Who keeps frequent flyer miles in a Michigan divorce?
The longer a Michigan marriage lasts and the more successful the spouses are during that marriage, the more property division matters they have to negotiate if they decide to divorce. Those with complex marital estates often find that they have many assets to address...
What role does a QDRO serve in a Michigan divorce?
Divorcing couples in Michigan often have a variety of financial issues to address. They may share real estate with their spouses that they either need to sell or refinance. They may need to close shared lines of credit and look into starting their own separate...
Property appraisals can be helpful during a divorce
If you share a house with your spouse, it may be subject to Michigan property division laws in the event of a divorce. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may decide to sell it and split the proceeds of the sale with your partner. It's also possible that...
The complicated process of dividing marital property in divorce
One of the practical parts of marriage is the joining of assets. While there might be individual ownership of pre-marital assets, you and your spouse hold much of what you own in common. In divorce agreements in Michigan, the division of property is one of the most...
Land may be sold to ensure that equitable distribution occurs
The state of Michigan is an equitable distribution state, which means that you'll receive your fair share of the marital estate in a divorce. What is fair in your case will be based on your age, income and other factors. If necessary, a judge may order the liquidation...
How is property divided when a Michigan couple divorces?
When an engaged couple in Michigan is making their wedding registry, they are likely envisioning a future that is happy and a marriage that will last, “until death do us part.” However, not every marriage is meant to last and some couples in Michigan will ultimately...
Is retaining the family home post-divorce right for you?
Dividing marital assets during the divorce process can be one of the most stressful endeavors you have to undertake. The stakes are high, too, given that the way in which these assets are divided can affect your financial future for a long time to come. As much as you...
How does Michigan divide property in a divorce?
Michigan follows equitable distribution when dividing property in a divorce. This law strives to create the fairest division of assets and debts, which might not necessarily be a 50/50 split. Review what the law says about property division when a marriage ends in...
What to know about Michigan marital property division
Divorce comes with an array of concerns for both spouses, especially when children are a factor. Among the most vital issues is that of property and asset distribution. However long you were married, you likely accumulated assets and purchased properties as a couple....