Substance abuse continues to be a problem that plagues our country. As tragic as that fact is on its own, even more devastating is the reality that drug use has far reaching implications, sometimes harming those who are the most vulnerable amongst us: children. If...
Photo of Jeanne M. Frazee
The Experience To Protect Your Rights

The Experience To Protect Your Rights
Month: December 2020
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Do children’s wishes matter in parenting time decisions?
There are many different factors that parents in Michigan analyze when they are making decisions regarding their children’s upbringing. They try to make the decision that they believe will be best for their children. However, their children also have opinions about...
Modifying a child custody order in Michigan
When parents in Livonia divorce, a child custody order will be developed that outlines who has the child in their care and when. This plan may work for a while, but life has a way of changing. A parent might get a new job with new hours or may move away or otherwise...