Your divorce will be one of the most challenging financial events you endure. This will be especially true if you and your spouse had a significant income disparity. And it will be even more so if they were your household’s sole earner. In either case, you will likely...
Photo of Jeanne M. Frazee
The Experience To Protect Your Rights

The Experience To Protect Your Rights
Month: August 2020
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Preparation is key if you’re divorcing later in life
As we age, we tend to take stock of our situation. For some couples, this leads to the realization that they aren’t happy living with one another. Your goals may have changed. Perhaps you’ve experienced a shift in your philosophical outlook. Whatever your reasons may...
How will moving out-of-state impact my child custody agreement?
While some aspects of your divorce agreement are largely set in stone, other parts may be modified. The law recognizes that a parent’s situation can change, and when it does, a modification to a child custody agreement may be in order. Maybe you’ve received a job...